Top South Korea-Based Validator WeStaking Integrates With Band Protocol

Band Protocol has integrated with WeStaking, a highly trusted validator that provides secure staking infrastructure for leading blockchain networks such as Cosmos, Terra, Kava, E-Money and more.

Top South Korea-Based Validator WeStaking Integrates With Band Protocol
Top South Korea-Based Validator WeStaking Integrates With Band Protocol

Band Protocol has integrated with WeStaking, a highly trusted validator that provides secure staking infrastructure for leading blockchain networks such as Cosmos, Terra, Kava, E-Money and more. WeStaking is an established validator trusted by over 680+ individual delegates, ranking 8th in the amount of delegators among the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

WeStaking is an established staking platform that focuses entirely on providing secure blockchain infrastructure that maintains continuous uptime with maximum security. Band Protocol has integrated up with Westaking to support BAND staking on their platform which uses:

  • Key management services to prevent double signing
  • On-premise validator and sentry services with DDoS protection
  • Active and passive validator servers for failover
  • Decentralized sentry nodes in North America & Asia.
  • Monitoring and missed block alert systems.
“As the Cosmos ecosystem continues to grow with the release of IBC, we see Band Protocol playing a major role in interoperability space as a cross-chain compatible data oracle that allows developers to connect to any external data source or API.”

Junhyung Cho, CEO & Founder of WeStaking

“WeStaking is an important addition to the strength and diversification of the BandChain ecosystem as an established validator in the Cosmos space with a clear track record for security and trust from over 680 individual delegators.” 
Soravis Srinawakoon, CEO & Co-founder of Band Protocol

With deep roots in the Cosmos ecosystem and various Tendermint-based platforms, WeStaking has committed to help Band Protocol to connect with prospective dApps that require a decentralized oracle solution. We are excited to work with WeStaking who are committed to improve and refine the blockchain ecosystem alongside Band Protocol.

About WeStaking
WeStaking is a secure staking service provider. We operate validator nodes on multiple platforms with expertise for a secure blockchain ecosystem on networks such as Cosmos, Terra, Kava, E-money. We plan to expand to support more platforms and participate in consensus and various activities to make the blockchain ecosystem more robust.

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About Band Protocol
Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform with the aspiration to build high-quality suites of web3 development products. The flagship oracle solution aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts, enabling smart contract applications such as DeFi, prediction markets, and games to be built on-chain without relying on the single point of failure of a centralized oracle.

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